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Award Nomination

BioAg Awards 2026 Categories

Best biofertilizer

  • The biofertilizer must be derived from a naturally occurring organism that has effectively addressed nutrient requirement.
  • The product must have been able to markedly increase the yield and production of the crop.
  • The product must have demonstrated its effectiveness in yield increment by using different action mechanisms and possibly providing resistance to the crops.
  • Have been able to improve the income of the farmers and made a visible change in their livelihood.

Best biostimulant company

  • Any corporate entity or individual, heading a professional company, who have made significant contributions to the development of biostimulants.
  • Demonstrated a rare commitment to consistency and quality, and a model for the successful organisations and advanced human development.
  • Corporate entity or individual – MD/CEO who have achieved substantial growth and financial performance in the preceding last three years or having pioneered innovative community / customer outreach programmes and created welfare measures for employees and business stakeholders.
  • Setting new standards of business ethics, environmental concerns and community care as well as enhanced value for all the stake-holders.

Best Bioprotection company

  • Any corporate entity or individual, heading a professional company, who have made significant contributions to the development of biological crop protection products.
  • Demonstrated a rare commitment to consistency and quality, and a model for the successful organisations and advanced human development.
  • Corporate entity or individual – MD/CEO who have achieved substantial growth and financial performance in the preceding last three years or having pioneered innovative community / customer outreach programmes and created welfare measures for employees and business stakeholders.
  • Setting new standards of business ethics, environmental concerns and community care as well as enhanced value for all the stake-holders

Best biofertilizer company

  • Any corporate entity or individual, heading a professional company, who have made significant contributions to the development of biofertilizers.
  • Demonstrated a rare commitment to consistency and quality, and a model for the successful organisations and advanced human development.
  • Corporate entity or individual – MD/CEO who have achieved substantial growth and financial performance in the preceding last three years or having pioneered innovative community / customer outreach programmes and created welfare measures for employees and business stakeholders.
  • Setting new standards of business ethics, environmental concerns and community care as well as enhanced value for all the stake-holders.

Best biological company

  • Any corporate entity or individual, heading a professional company, who have made significant contributions to the development of biological products for sustainable agriculture.
  • Demonstrated a rare commitment to consistency and quality, and a model for the successful organisations and advanced human development.
  • Corporate entity or individual – MD/CEO who have achieved substantial growth and financial performance in the preceding last three years or having pioneered innovative community / customer outreach programmes and created welfare measures for employees and business stakeholders.
  • Setting new standards of business ethics, environmental concerns and community care as well as enhanced value for all the stake-holders.

Best company in stewardship

  • Any corporate entity or individual, heading a professional company, who have made significant contributions to stewardship program within the last 3 years.
  • Demonstrated a rare commitment to persistence to stewardship efforts and an emulative model.
  • The stewardship programmes must be innovative, impactful and relevant to the times.
  • Should have pioneered innovative community / customer outreach programmes and created welfare measures for employees and business stakeholders.
  • Setting new standards of business ethics, environmental concerns and community care as well as enhanced value for all the stake-holders.

Best Bio-protection Company

  • Any scientist, academician, policy maker or a pioneer in bioagriculture/organic agriculture/natural farming in any capacity, who have made noticeable contributions in the past for at least, three decades.
  • The person should be recognised by at least two national level bodies or by at least one international body for his/her services to the sector.
  • The person should be credited with pioneer work and have extensively contributed to the body of knowledge or to the growth of bioagriculture/organic agriculture/natural farming.

Best Bio-fertilizer Company

  • Any corporate entity or individual, heading a professional company, who have made significant contributions to the growth of bioagriculture through offerings of innovative products / services .
  • Demonstrated a rare commitment to consistency and quality, and a model for the successful organisations and advanced human development.
  • Corporate entity or individual – MD/CEO who have achieved substantial growth and financial performance in the preceding last three years or having pioneered innovative community / customer outreach programmes and created welfare measures for employees and business stakeholders.
  • Setting new standards of business ethics, environmental concerns and community care as well as enhanced value for all the stake-holders

Best Biological Company

  • An outstanding business company in food and agri sector functional at international level or individual who have made excellent contributions in bioagriculture sector.
  • The recipient must have demonstrated innovation, quality assurance, best business practices and accountability. Also must possess intangible qualities such as high integrity and future vision in business.
  • Made distinguished contributions to the growth of bioagriculture and introduction of new products / services/technology and have led to an expansion in the size of the industry.

Innovation Leadership

  • An outstanding business company in bioagriculture sector originating in Asia, functional at international level or individual who have made excellent contributions in bioagriculture sector.
  • The recipient must have demonstrated innovation, quality assurance, best business practices and accountability. Also must possess intangible qualities such as high integrity and future vision in business.
  • Made distinguished contribution in the growth of bioagriculture and introduction of new products / services/technology and have led to an expansion in size of the industry
  • Integrated with the farming community of the region in propagating new technologies, improving their livelihood and evolving better sustainable farming models

Best Company in R&D

  • An outstanding business company in bioagriculture sector originating in Africa, functional at international level or individual who have made excellent contributions in bioagriculture sector.
  • The recipient must have demonstrated innovation, quality assurance, best business practices and accountability. Also must possess intangible qualities such as high integrity and future vision in business.
  • Made distinguished contribution in the growth of bioagriculture and introduction of new products / services/technology and have led to an expansion in size of the industry
  • Integrated with the farming community of the region in propagating new technologies, improving their livelihood and evolving better sustainable farming models

Best Company in Stewardship

  • Individual, heading a professional company, who have made significant contributions to the growth of bioagriculture through offerings of innovative products / services .
  • Demonstrated a rare commitment to consistency and quality, and had developed a model for a successful organisation and advanced human development.
  • Company must have achieved substantial growth and financial performance under his leadership in the preceding last three years or having pioneered innovative programmes that have created inroads into the customer base.
  • Setting new standards of business ethics, environmental concerns and community care as well as enhanced value for all the stake-holders

Asia Leadership

  • Agriculture / allied department’s Heads (Ministers / Secretaries /Commissioners, current or former) of the Centre or any State and/or Parliamentarians / Legislators /Chairman of any Board or Commission, who have made noticeable contribution through formulation and introduction of path-breaking policies in bioagriculture.
  • The recipient must have been able to address the issues of farmers and other stakeholders proactively and have made substantial difference in their lives through suitable interventions
  • The policies developed must have resulted in the wider adoption of bioagriculture/organic agriculture/ natural farming which brought about a visible change in the lives of the farming community.

Africa Leadership

  • Individuals/Initiatives in the Bio agriculture sector who have developed innovative products/technologies that was hitherto non existent.
  • The innovation must have been able to change extant cultivation practices, address a pertinent challenge and improve farm profitability.
  • The innovation must have made strong social impact and helped in improved resource management.

Global Leadership

  • A product / technology in bioagriculture that has made a visible impact in the market through introduction of new products and have enhanced financial / marketing size of the company.
  • Introduction in bioagriculture sector that made a tangible impact on the industry/ farming/ agribusiness / rural employment / value addition/ agri exports.
  • Must have achieved sustainable growth and has left a significant impact over the larger section of the society and created more employment and have helped in the development of entrepreneurship.

Market Impact

  • A product / technology in bioagriculture that has made a visible impact in the market through introduction of new products and have enhanced financial / marketing size of the company.
  • Introduction in bioagriculture sector that made a tangible impact on the industry/ farming/ agribusiness / rural employment / value addition/ agri exports.
  • Must have achieved sustainable growth and has left a significant impact over the larger section of the society and created more employment and have helped in the development of entrepreneurship.

Policy Leadership

  • A product / technology in bioagriculture that has made a visible impact in the market through introduction of new products and have enhanced financial / marketing size of the company.
  • Introduction in bioagriculture sector that made a tangible impact on the industry/ farming/ agribusiness / rural employment / value addition/ agri exports.
  • Must have achieved sustainable growth and has left a significant impact over the larger section of the society and created more employment and have helped in the development of entrepreneurship.


  • A product / technology in bioagriculture that has made a visible impact in the market through introduction of new products and have enhanced financial / marketing size of the company.
  • Introduction in bioagriculture sector that made a tangible impact on the industry/ farming/ agribusiness / rural employment / value addition/ agri exports.
  • Must have achieved sustainable growth and has left a significant impact over the larger section of the society and created more employment and have helped in the development of entrepreneurship.

Lifetime Achievement

  • A product / technology in bioagriculture that has made a visible impact in the market through introduction of new products and have enhanced financial / marketing size of the company.
  • Introduction in bioagriculture sector that made a tangible impact on the industry/ farming/ agribusiness / rural employment / value addition/ agri exports.
  • Must have achieved sustainable growth and has left a significant impact over the larger section of the society and created more employment and have helped in the development of entrepreneurship.

Award Nomination Registration

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